Tower Hill Challenge - Obstacle Course Race


June 10, 2017 - 3:00 AM


Barboursville Park - Barboursville, WV


The race is approx. 3.5 miles long, starting at the top of the hill in Barboursville Park by shelter #1.  The race will follow the road up to the radio towers, follow the two loop trails, then back to the start at shelter #1.  Along the way are 10 obstacles. We will have volunteers at each obstacle to assist racers, more where noted.


#1 and #10 (Racers come thru this one twice, on the way out and on the way back) is  basically just a muddy water pit that race will have to crawl thru,  we will build it using hay bales around the sides, a large tarp to create a pool, and fill it from there.  

#2is a tire run, just like football practice

#3 is a hurdle/crawl/hurdle using hay bales

#4  balance beam ( 2x4's 8ft long.  set up approx. 1 ft off the ground

#5  wall climb  (this is basically an A frame structure approx. 12 feet tall.  It will have a frame then covered with plywood, it will have several ropes for people to climb up one side and then some horizontal 2x4s on the back side to help climb down,  we will have at least 3 volunteers at this station at all times. 

#6  Corrugated Drain Tubes (Racers will crawl or slide through)

#7  Suicide Run  ( racers will carry a log or bucket of gravel approx. 50yards away, around a cone, and back)

#8 Fire Jump  (we will have a small fire using fire logs, racers will jump over the flames)  This station will be manned at all times by a volunteer with fire extinguisher.

#9 Laser Maze  (this is done using paracord.  we will create a maze or web by stringing the paracord around the trees, racers will have to work their way thru through the web.  (think Catherine Zeta Jones in the movie Entrapment, crawling thru the web of lasers to get to the bank vault)

Entry Fees

$40 for Obstacle Course Race , T-shirt, and Finishers Medal  ($45 after 6/1/17 and T-shirt not guaranteed)

Age Groups

Everyone Welcome!


All Finishers registered by 06/01/17 will recieve a DriFit T-Shirt and Finishers Medal.

Charity Information

Barboursville Community Wellness Council and Greater Barboursville Community Outreach

More Information


Contact The Race Director

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