
July 21, 2012 - 12:00 AM


Sutton Dam - Sutton, WV


The course begins under the backdrop of the magnificent Sutton Dam at the Downstream Recreation Area. Participants then have a strenuous climb up the face of the dam and then across the top of the dam. Then the course takes them on a trip through the woods and back down to the Elk River. Then, participants hit the brick paved streets of historic downtown Sutton past many beautiful, majestic buildings. The finish line is nearly in sight as participants head back up river with the dam in the distance. The race ends back at the Downstream Recreation Area where it began. "That Dam Race" is held in conjunction with the Mountain Lakes Festival. Check out the Braxton County Visitor’s Bureau web site for other activities in the area! Come and run/walk one of the toughest and most unique courses in the region!

Entry Fees

Entry fees are $15 for pre-registration and $20 for registration the day of the race (7:00am-7:45am on July 21st)

Age Groups

Female Youth (up to age 17) Male Youth (up to age 17) Female (18-29) Male (18-29) Female (30-45) Male (30-45) Female (46-59) Male (46-59) Female (60 and up) Male (60 and up)


Female Youth (up to age 17) 1st 2nd 3rd Male Youth (up to age 17) 1st 2nd 3rd Female (18-29) 1st 2nd 3rd Male (18-29) 1st 2nd 3rd Female (30-45) 1st 2nd 3rd Male (30-45) 1st 2nd 3rd Female (46-59) 1st 2nd 3rd Male (46-59) 1st 2nd 3rd Female (60 and up) 1st 2nd 3rd Male (60 and up) 1st 2nd 3rd Trophies for Walkers Walker 1st 2nd 3rd Overall Walker Male: Overall Walker Female: Overall Runner Female: Overall Runner Male:

Charity Information

More Information

First 100 paid pre-registered participants will recieve a free T-shirt. The first mile is extreme. Course record is 20:48.46 . Can you beat this? Can you beat 20 min? How about 19 min? Come on, give it your best. That Dam Race 5K is honored this year to be associated with Jamie Summerlin who will begin on March 26, 2012 in Coos County, Oregon and run 3500 miles in 100 days to end at Annapolis, Maryland on July 4th, 2012 in support of the Wounded Warrior Project. For more information about Jamie's adventure or to contribute please visit www.RunForWWP.com.


Contact The Race Director

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