
October 11, 2024 - 12:00 AM


Any Course - Any City ... Any State, KY

Virtual Race Info

Come back to this page between October 21, 2022 8:00 AM and October 18, 2024 8:00 AM to enter your time. A link will be shown on this page during the "Enter Virtual Results" window for this event.

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Any course ... Any city ... Any State

48 hour window

October 11th 12am thru October 12th 11:59pm

Entry Fees

1. Register online 2. Run your race 3. Post your time online

5K Run/Walk $25 with Tee Shirt

$8 Option For Finisher Medal

Register by 8pm October 24th

Shirts mailed out after event closes

Age Groups



Charity Information

Every penny raised goes towards the research for a cure! 

We know that one day in Bennett’s lifetime that we can make CF stand for Cure Found!

More Information

Bennett was diagnosed at 8 weeks old with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system that currently has no cure. There are many treatments available to help with the symptoms of the disease, chest therapies, breathing treatments and pills, lots and lots of pills! On an average day Bennett can take up to 23 pills. Because his pancreas does not work correctly, he must take enzymes every time he eats, so his body will hold the nutrients he needs. Bennett is 14 now and thriving! He plays on his high school soccer team, plays basketball with his friends and is a “normal” teenage boy!  We know how lucky we are, there are many CFers that are not as healthy or have lost their battle…. your donation means so much.


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